Reduce povetry with skill based education

End to child labor One of the major issue many countries faces is child labor, malnutrition and if the child is a girl they have to face worse things, as an individual few can contribute for a cause, not all as the world is becoming mechanical, to put the idea in nut shell divide and conquer, raise the small amount of fund by selling unique products, out of the box thoughts and do merchandising through UN and UNICEF with some international tax benefits for these products so more fund can be raised, one such idea is Social fashion. (check ref for details) Probably the UN online volunteers can promote the product(social fashion) after its launch, to raise the emergency fund,by using their social site account, just like the ice bucket challenge, so the idea reaches faster and gets promoted quickly. For Children - Emergency Fund Raising To Save Generation Moreover some countries may not receive foreign aid, due to the lack of...