Few Questions

Few Questions:

Its good to see, many apps to protect women, and some tips and articles from various NGO, but all these are short term ideas, why there hasn’t been a long term solution?, as per UN women India report in documentary film by Radha Bedi, BBC, main reason of  VAW  is due to the way women are been treated at home, so this issue will keep continuing unless there is a mutual respect, but I haven’t seen any change in education or any sustained campaign been conducted by any country, though we still can use students and street plays as part of Nss activity,  to achieve the same with minimum capital , I feel short term solution can work because of fear of getting caught, but the long term solution is governed by the guilt feeling and psychology pull back, the idea is simple, focus on matha, pitha and guru, even if the matha and pitha fails at least we can ensure guru does this role, so it will always works, what is the best way to achieve this and how can an NGO and govt can help in achieving this ? Some time simple ideas targeting the emotions makes a everlasting impact. as per a Harvard research http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/7267.html on viral videos, so why can't same be tried?

you can refer few ideas been shared with UNHCR for girls education which is on similar line.


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