Stop Harassment

Stop Harassment
The main concept that can be feasible as of now is a campaign from students.

I agree that the government and parents have a role to play in education, but in a country where the illiteracy rate is high, it's going to be difficult and not going to happen soon. Rather than teaching someone, it's better to use empathy, Giving kids with the task, use the street play, write short poems in the native language, sketches/photography, College Radio in the local language, whatever art form, that can convey the message better and after few years ask the people in the community to contribute the same. Apart from communicating the message, the level of communication as well needs to be changed. It's about putting a message in the unconscious mind. Few simple things like narrating about Pinocchio to both girl and boy child can change their personality instead of Cinderella. When it comes to the student, they can use social sites to share the thoughts, it's just the usage of repetitive messaging, this can be part of NSS(National social service) for India. But in other countries, they were asking for a valuable certificate for volunteering, which could help in their career.

 More emphasis needs on long term ideas, they are about

  1. Take the video of the person harassing and moreover be a person who stops it, when one person takes the initiative, others start following them.
  2. Keep the emergency numbers and update the details in apps like safetcity so it helps people to note the area is not safe and the safety team can work with the officials on the needs.
  3. Campaigning using students use journalist article to reach students.
  4. Advertisement with the help of the Government in Radio and television.
  5. Articles through students and another journalist.
  6. Social Site Viral Advertisement promotions.  
  7. Children spend more than 80% of the time in school and the Internet than with parents so this is the best place where they can be thought about gender equality and if required feminism subjects can be introduced.
  8. Ref Safer World for Women Long Term:
 Ref: to interview of UN Woman India in  Documentary India-A-Dangerous-Place-To-Be-A-Woman

“We need to value women in this country, equally to have gender equality in this society to stop the rape and molestation of women.”

  1. The change won’t happen in a day or so, probably steps should be taken from all sides including government, on the law. 
  2. Students and youngsters through communicating through their arts. As mentioned above.
  3. A journal by writing an article with some suggestions and spreading the message to fellow journalist to communicate in local languages, so the ideas get spread across the countries in local languages as well.
Reference :


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