Change makers a theory

Ideas to change


1) Role of media and education system: in raising a better generation: In the 90s there has been a priority in advertising saving a girl child, polio there were campaigns but not seen in an era of technology-driven probably priority is not there. Use student's force by integrating it with NSS and give them recognition for innovative as, apzap,street play, local radio community where bed time stories of pinnochio and cindrella can be narrated to young kids a program dedicated for better parenting in local languages by communication students as part of university ideas. 

2) long term plan: use psychology in addressing the issue of violence in any form, change it as an education policy have it as part of schools at least as a subject, apart from having laws as a topic to know your rights. A crime occurs due to a lack of empathy, see how empathy can be raised in a generation. 

Few materials go share. 

Relay Thoughts 

Better Generation 

Detailed out blog 

3) short term plan: with increasing crime rates law needs to seek guidance from technology, biomedical, and body language experts. Once people we're good fearing and spilled the truth but we are no longer in this era, the law should seek advice by monitoring body languages and experts evaluation and see the possibility of using lie detectors and chemical psychology tests above witness and evidence, there should be the installation of CCTV cameras where ever possible esp public spaces including villages at corners of streets powered by solar lights. 

ref Lie-Detector Test 

4) Collaborative education policy. If the fund is a problem, the nearby colleges and universities should be given an adaptation policy of the villages where they can implement the innovative ideas of their student to develop a village, be it a road laid with plastic waste, be it a technology of CCTV cameras built out of discarded mobile/laptop cameras. Use students from various domains to work in tandem to address an issue by changing part of education policy where students from various backgrounds medical, engineer, management, politics, media all work together as a team for addressing the social issues with innovation. 

5) Better Parenting : Oxytocin levels are the same irrespective of gender, so raise a generation that shares the load with each other to raise a better family. Threat others the way you need yourself to be treated then there will be a change in society.


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