Depiction of woman and child in advertisement
Depiction of woman and child
in advertisement
Advertisement are the short display of an culture of an country, They play a huge role, in belief and moral of the country, but at times they play with psychology of the child and woman.
- Depiction of woman in advertisement in India:
- Advertisement with social aspect But this seems to be a request, probably if the advertisement would have provided more statistics and if they have portrayed it as a crime to kill the child, along with law details it would have been better If they would have depicted a world without girl child, it would have been better and such social advertisements needs to get telecast often, and now days they are not getting telecast and if does only at off hours.
- Advertisement with new thoughts and change in the society. E.g. Tanishq ad:
- If the change in society should come, many advertisement with social thoughts embedded in them should come.
- For e.g. product such as throat tablet, we can create an advertisement where the spectator Men/woman after having tablet, clears the throat and shouts and saves someone.
- For a spectacle advertisement: we can show various gods, by not showing the women gods e.g. lord shiva without shakthi, Krishna without Radha, Jesus without mother Marry and mention that, imagine a world without women, save women ! As the tag line of this product.
- For a slipper advertisement, put yourself in shoes of others: an fantasy concept, where The person who wears changes to some personality, including women and feels the issue they go through everyday life for e.g. adam teasing .There is no hard and fast rule for advertisements, it is how we design. Probably if there are many such advertisements gets telecast in radio, television, social media and as printed material, people’s thought may change.
A child learns behaviour, by observing the parents, this is probably the reason in Hindu the story of lord Ganesh, fighting for the fruit says. For children the world is parents, but now the world is social media and televisions, so if these advertisements get telecasted more number of times, repeatedly, the impact on the thoughts on the child will be huge. Probably short advertisement with viral concepts along with success woman stories, and issues faced by woman in day to day life needs to be highlighted:
The intention of the above video is to show the women in each frame are part of our life; it could be someone whom we know so when someone is in danger, just make an effort to just call police, or at least throw some stones at them if you are alone or shout and get more help. Most of the leaders had a huge impact and got a turning point in life, during young age and by attending meeting and observing the outside world, if that’s true, probably by changing the virtual world of these children we can change their thoughts.
- Tanishq Advertisement ads youtube:
- Sample Viral
- Save Girl child campaign :
- Social Message Advertising
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